Instukem awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification

In December 2019, following a rigorous year-long process, Instukem obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification. This standard establishes the requirements for a quality management system. It is based on a number of principles, including a strong customer focus, motivated and committed company management, a process-centred approach, and continuous improvement.

High standards

This certification enables businesses to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction. “Our goal was to guarantee our customers that they receive reliable, consistent, high-quality products and services,” said David Lapointe, Engineer and Co-President of Instukem.

To this end, the company had to prove its ability to constantly provide products and services that meet customer needs as well as applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

An assurance of excellence

Instukem has improved all its processes, ranging from new-product development to order processing, invoicing and the production chain. “Everything is now more systematized, better controlled and closely monitored,” said Patrick Lapointe, Co-President of Instukem. This exercise has made it possible to go a step further in enhancing the quality of our offer. For our customers, this certification is an assurance of rigour.

Striving to stay at the leading edge of progress is a key Instukem value. “Undertaking certification was a natural move,” added Patrick. “The entire team mobilized instinctively to achieve our goal, and we came through with flying colours. We’re very proud.”

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